Marketer Magic
Learn how Marketer Magic can be used in this article, holding nothing back….a must see.
I met Kevin David at OMG live in 2018, I knew that Kevin David was a kind person who likes to help people & he has done this with training course until now.
Welcome Marketer Magic just is a software he built for himself to use in his business & has decided to allow us the chance to use it. With that being said its time to learn what magic is inside with the videos below.?
Marketer Magic
Learn how Marketer Magic can be used in this article, holding nothing back….a must see.
I met Kevin David at OMG live in 2018, I knew that Kevin David was a kind person who likes to help people & he has done this with training course until now.
Welcome Marketer Magic just is a software he built for himself to use in his business & has decided to allow us the chance to use it. With that being said its time to learn what magic is inside with the videos below.?
All You Need To Know About Marketer Magic
When it comes to marketing then Kevin David knows what is takes to make a well oiled machine for you to have a successful online business no matter what the cause.
How can I say that about Kevin?
It’s simple really, whether you know him or you don’t, making 10 million dollars in a two year time span is no easy task. It takes a lot of effort along with automation so what he has come up with is magic for marketers anywhere.
Marketer Magic is a software suite that currently has 6 much needed tools built into one platform. This makes it easy for you to do anything from leadgen, email marketing, link shorteners, workhub, & social proof.?
Marketer Magic Overview
Finally, the ManyChat Tutorial 2019
Getting Leads With ManyLeads
Marketer Magic’s Email Verifier
MiniMe – Kevin David’s Secret Link Shortener
ClickProof for Social Proof
Marketer Magic WorkHub
ManyLeads Email Template - Case Study
Get Skills To Win With Marketer Magic
Marketing The Cost-Effective Way
Along with the training videos I have below, the Marketer Magic platform has nine videos made be Kevin to help you get the best from the software suite he put together.
Along with having a Facebook page that fully supports everything about it as well.
As I stated, there are training videos below that I made to give my own first hand experience with the Magic software. I actually plan on making more video showing how to use this is many different online marketing ventures.
This software actually made me $997 in one day from doing a solo ads campaign for my course.
I have to say that this software is a winner.
Marketer Magic Overview
Let’s give a quick overview of what it is all about along with showing each section & talking about if before we start the training videos below. Each software has it’s own section so they are easy to find & use so there is jumping around from one to the other anymore which is my favorite part.?
Getting Marketing Leads With ManyLeads
Now let’s get into each software starting with ManyLeads & breakdown why it is called ManyLeads to begin with.
For that answer we have to look at it’s ability to search for businesses in a local area in any niche to find out where you could be of service with your social media marketing agency.
Marketer Magic’s Email Verifier
Now lets get into the ever important email topic & how to verify them with ease using Marketer Magic’s email verifier tool. This very tool alone is on of the three tools I used to vet my email list before making $997 in one night along with saving my spam rate.
Have a clean email system will save you more money than you would think.
No worry if you don’t get it right the first time, the truth is, no one does. Collect….Test….Rinse…Repeat!
MiniMe – Kevin David’s Link Shortener
Link shorteners have been around for some time now & none of them do all the functions that this one does along with having a secure certificate so there is no risk of the link getting flagged for spam.
From using the standard link shortener, the link splitter, the re-targeting link, & the most under-rated links ever to being the deep link for socials.
ClickProof for Social Proof
ClickProof is another great add-on that Kevin made to show real-time traffic on your site to anyone that is visiting to show social proof. This acts in a way of a crowd of people looking a a sign or building when you are walking, you are 90% more likely to stop & look as well just because they are.
This one feature can greatly improve sales along with user engagement.
Using The ManyLeads Email Template
The one hidden fact about ManyLeads is that Kevin himself has made quick & easy email templates to use for getting clients. So this makes finding leads then emailing them a quick & easy task while saving you time.
This video will give you a live exmaple of this just to show the power that ManyLeads has.
Using Chatbots With Marketer Magic
For a rare opportunity to help all Marketer Magic users, I am offering a no-cost 6 day video-based training for chatbots for two major reasons.
One of the reasons is because I have been in the place that most of you are in, starting from nothing & trying to build something, it takes time & effort with the drive to learn while caring about yourself.
Caring about yourself by knowing you are where you are because of the decisions that you make, I had the hard lesson of that as well.
The second reason I am helping is to show everyone that there are people doing marketing that care & want to see you succeed, talking about it seems fake or unreal, however, taking action & giving a solid training on something to help at no-cost is proof.
With that said, I want to welcome you to this 6 day course which is at no-cost to you, just sign up & take action. Learn, implement, succeed
No-Cost Zapier Course With Marketer Magic
Just to help Marketer Magic users with marketing & learning, I am offering a second no-cost 4 day video-based training.
This time for using Zapier.
I build these trainings to show what it takes to be a marketer & for those willing to learn these are no-cost resources.
Caring about yourself by knowing you are where you are because of the decisions that you make, I had the hard lesson of that as well.
The second reason I am helping is to show everyone that there are people doing marketing that care & want to see you succeed, talking about it seems fake or unreal, however, taking action & giving a solid training on something to help at no-cost is proof.
With that said, I want to welcome you to this 4 day Zapier course which is at no-cost to you, just sign up & take action. Learn, implement, succeed